DIN EN ISO 9001 certified since 1999

Irrespective of the fact that every SCHAEFER-employee feels committed to achieve and perform with perfect ability, quality must be managed. Strategically seen as a company-securing task, focusing in on all internal procedures, the process chains and their interfaces, as well as the changes of the markets and naturally the demands of our customers.

Zertifikat, ISO 9001:2015

Our guiding principle in QM – top quality from the beginning – is underlined by the zero-mistake-strategy. This includes building blocks of success such as for example integrated feedback control systems, well-anchored solutions, preventive measures or the cross-departmental implementation – both with regard to information and to communication. Top-quality from the beginning: Competence that we also expect from suppliers and partners.

As the leading manufacturer and supplier of components and fixtures, we have always been committed to providing our customers with the best services on the market. Without ifs and buts. And we have been doing so since 60 years.


Quality, safety and conformity to standards must not be a matter of random chance. Our own testing laboratories therefore allow us to continuously carry out tests of all kinds on our products during product development and later for continuous quality control. 

We do not limit ourselves to the necessary tests according to the current legal requirements. The high SCHAEFER quality is an expression of the fact that we set ourselves higher goals and want to develop the best possible product for our customers with supplementary tests.