TFT assistant

SCHAEFER offers a large variety of TFTs for the most versatile applications. With this assistant, we will guide you step by step, with just a few questions, to the solutions best suited to your needs.


Place of operation

Where would you like to use the TFT display?

Landing fixture (LOP) Car fixture (COP) Indicator fixture (LIP) other / irrelevant Skip


Do you have special norm requirements for the display?

EN 81-71 class 1 EN 81-71 class 2
Fire fighters elevator
EN 81-72

Touchscreen operation

Should the display be operable via touchscreen?

no yes Skip

Mounting depth

Are they limited in terms of mounting depth?
For installation in low-profile fixtures, SCHAEFER has special "ultra-flat" displays with an installation depth of less than 11mm in its portfolio.

no limitation ultra-flat design Skip


In which way do you want to control the display?

parallel CANopen serial Skip

Number of floors

How many floors should the display support?

up to 32 floors up to 63 floors up to 254 floors Skip

Functional scope

Which other functions should the display necessarily support?